Not surprisingly, the average coverage of subjects is fairly poor. 64% of articles were rated "low" or "stub", indicating they did not have even a basic chronology of the subject's life, and 29% were rated "medium", indicating a basic chronology but nothing more. 6% were rated "good", with a relatively complete chronology, and one article was approaching "featured" quality. While doing the survey, one of the biographies was deleted for lack of notability, one as being unverifiable, and two were listed as copyvios.
Unfortunately, I've found that a lot of people don't get a good bio in Wikipedia until they die and there are nicely-researched obituaries to use as sources.
Even better, we're more free to criticize dead people because they can't sue us for libel.
Would it be too unreasonable to propose WikiProject Assassinate People With Wikipedia Biographies? :P