"Geoff Burling" llywrch@agora.rdrop.com wrote in message news:Pine.LNX.4.33.0602212233340.452-100000@joan.burling.com...
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006, Tony Sidaway wrote:
It beats me why we let this crap fester for so long in the corners of Wikipedia. Time for a Scouring of the Shire.
You obviously don't mind breaking eggs to make an omlet.
You never ate an omelette with egg-shells in (leaving aside the obvious unlikelihood of trying to make an omelette with a **whole** egg :-)?
Yucky :-( like a sand-sandwich...
That's how some parts of Wikipedia are right now.
There is the slightest chance that these particular grains of sand might produce a pearl or two, but it's going to take an awful lot of looking through smelly molluscs to find anything worth keeping :-)