I think you have it right Julie. She's an engaging writer but you have the problem pegged pretty well, in short, a set of blinders.


From: "Julie Kemp" <juleskemp@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: wikien-l@wikipedia.org
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 20:03:17 -0700
To: <wikien-l@wikipedia.org>
Subject: [WikiEN-l] apologies to Jimbo re Ms. Rand with text

Sorry about that Jimbo ­ I clearly have not made a study of Ayn Rand, and my analysis was based entirely on my reading of Atlas Shrugged in college. If Iıve got her entirely wrong, Iım sorry, but I donıt think that I am the only one who sees her writing being used to support  a social construct that, while certainly forcing people to take the blame for their own actions, it also seemed that there was a lot of ³not my problem² in it.   Maybe Iıll give it another try.