1.  Michael makes up quotes on Talk pages and attributes them to people who never said them.

2. Micheal erases comments on Talk pages.

3. Michael refuses to address where he's getting his information from, and has said at least once, "It's none of your business."

4. His information is usually wrong, and, almost invariably, in bad English.  I don't have a problem with non-English speakers on the Wikipedia, but it would be nice if people noticed the corrections that others make in their work and don't keep making the same mistakes.

5. Michael is very confrontational when suggestions are made that he change his outlook.


 "Poor, Edmund W" <Edmund.W.Poor@abc.com> wrote:

What is your specific objection to user:Michael?

If he's just sloppy with facts, then keep following him around and quietly fixing his errors. Eventually, he'll either decide to be more careful or just get tired.

Is he reverting your fixes, even when you've documented that your fixes are accurate?

Uncle Ed

-----Original Message-----
From: Tucci [mailto:tucci528@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:35 PM
To: wikien-l@wikipedia.org
Subject: [WikiEN-l] Michael

Have we given Michael enough chances to change his
ways? I just went through his user contributions, and
reverted several changes to simple and verifiable
facts like when a band formed or released an album
when googling has revealed the original was right (or
at least, assumable as right until proven otherwise).
He's shown a complete disregard for community
standards and has never appeared to have any desire to
make a useful enyclopedia instead of a
I'm a Wikipedia contributor, not his English tutor,
fact-checker or baby-sitter.

WikiEN-l mailing list

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