so is it fair to assume that latex math equations rendered as images do not have a image description page? Is there any list of image types or some way to verify or know which kind of images will not have image description page? I also saw a couple of graphs associated with imagemap didnt have image description pages. for ex: the chart on the page:
I noticed all the images for which I wasnt able to find image description pages had names which looked like some sort of hash....basically names consisting of 32 characters using numbers 0-9 and alphabets a-z with extension png. Am I correctly identifying the images without image description pages this way?
Thanks Priyank
On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 3:44 AM, Richard Farmbrough wrote:
These images are created dynamically by the MediaWiki software. If you go into your preferences you can set the MathML to always be displayed as HTML. Alternatively you can use the "edit" page or the API.
On 23/06/2011 22:13, priyank bagrecha wrote:
Do the latex equations rendered as images, dont have a image description page.
If they do, how do I go about getting an xml for them?
Consider the image below.
It is on page
I can't find the image description page for this image.
If it doesnt have a description page, is this true only for images with class tex?
Or is it the case for some other classes of image as well?
Thanks :)
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