At 05:04 PM 5/30/2003, you wrote:
My apologies - it was Dante Alighieri who wrote this, not Little Dan

I blundered:
At 16:51 30/05/2003 -0700, Little Dan wrote:
Some people seem to think that T may be one and the same as JD,

I don't think anybody believes that - if they do, they're off their trolley. You probably mean that some people think Triton is DW.

LP (Camembert)

Actually, my source continues to assert that T may be JD incognito, or else part of some group of people who are working together. Here are some interesting parallels:

From JD:
this JHK person

From JD:
this man or woman going by the user name of J. Hoffman Kemp

From JD:
someone called J Hoffman Kemp

From T:
someone who logged in under the user name Ms. J. Hoffman-Kemp

From T:
the User logged in calling himself Tannin

From T:
someone calling themselves Slrubenstein

Do we know ANYONE else who writes like that? There may be more examples, but this is all that my source gave me.

Read the top of Talk:List of Frankish Kings. Rain on your parade? Sounds like someone very familiar with English idiom, doesn't it?

Also, look at the VERY first entries into Talk:List of French monarchs by T. VERY different voice than used later, also an excellent understanding of the English language (some of them are downright erudite)... not to mention the use of the phrase "Lord knows".... extremely interesting given the later usage of "the Prophet" all over the place.

Also, note that JD disappears at approximately the same time T appears. They have similar interests, similar writing styles, similar controntational styles, similar uses of ad hominem attacks, and they make the same enemies.

Well, it's a good thing that my source wishes to remain anonymous, as they are afraid that revealing themselves might make them subject to assaults by unnamed parties. What a shame... although I must admit my source does sound a little paranoid and conspiracy theory prone. Oh well, interesting coincidences all the same, no?

Oh, and one final note: all of the above is relayed by me, to you all, from an unnamed source. None of the above should be taken as the opinions of this user, me, Dante Alighieri... I'd hate for anyone to get the wrong idea.


Dante Alighieri

"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of great moral crisis."
   -Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321