While the basic activity I envision for the workshop is just a group conversation on several topics, I think wifi would be great if we find we need to demonstrate something online. But it's not crucial, I think.
What _is_ crucial, to my mind, is a maximal number of _community_ participants. I would urge you all to make this the primary factor in determining the final date and time. If the time where most people can make it seems impractical for lack of a venue, we can figure something out (e.g. a conference room in my hotel (or a different hotel)). So please, try to discuss this rapidly (on-wiki and/or in Greek is fine, of course) to make sure we can make the most of the workshop. I think some of the topics to be discussed are crucial for the future of our work in Greece.
Thank you!
(I'm going to sleep in a little bit, but I'll be checking e-mail again on my way to the airport, in about 12 hours, and will of course be online (assuming the hotel wifi works :)) as soon as I arrive.)