Hello Asaf,

regarding your visit in Greece it seems that there are already enough activities. goo.gl/nbgcv
We indent to merge some of the thematic community meetings with meetings with other officials, doing something between round table discussions and panel presentations, calling some officials (ministry of culture/education) and some people relative to open content. The proposed thematics are 

* "Open content and copyright issues in Greece, related with Wikipedia", 
* "Wikipedia education projects", 
* "Greek Wikipedia community and relations with third parties". 
* A separate, more informal open discussion about the organisation of the community for outreach activities will be done without calling other people than wikipedians.

These discussions should be finished during Saturday 13th.

A more general central meetup of the community can be done in Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning, still leaving some time during the weekend to arrange some more meetings.

Please tell us 
* if this schedule covers the scope of your visit,
* if you would like to be the initial speaker on the meetings about education projects and about relatations with third parties,
* if you would like to add any other presentation/workshop/meeting.

Konstantinos Stampoulis