you will find a newly created mailing list about the OLPC programme at http://mailman.laptop.org/mailman/listinfo/content which is described as follows:
Content -- Discussions of OLPC content, both software and booklike.
We expect content to be both pretty conventional ebooks, but also educational software to encourage/enable children to construct interesting things that will engage them in the learning process.
If you go through the archives, you will both find favourable comments about wikipedia from Negroponte and if I remember correctly, Jimmy has also expressed his support for the OLPC.
I am pretty certain that Wikipedia might be one interesting piece of content that could be included into the OLPC. While there are technical issues (for example for some languages due to space problems), all the other debates about child-safe-correct-npov-aspects also apply.
I would love to see some Wikipedians, Wikibookians, etc. who are interested in joining this list if they want to participate in this project.
There are more mailinglists at http://mailman.laptop.org/mailman/listinfo which might also be interesting for other aspects, such as technical stuff or portugese/brasilian related things.
Greetings, Mathias
Also see my related mail to the SP committee about a recently started project that aims to bring WP to the OLPC: