###apologies for cross postings###
Dear Researcher
We are moving towards the last call for KGSWC-2021 with different events and opportunities. KGSWC-2021 accepted papers will be published by Springer CCIS Proceedings Vol. 1459.
Kindly go through the details.
*######Final Call for Papers######*
*KGSWC-2021* https://kgswc.org/
*Third Ibero-American Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference joint with Second Indo-American Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference*22-24 November 2021 Texas A & M University, Kingsville http://www.kgswc.org
*Important Note: *We are going to waive off the registration fee of accepted papers due to COVID issues, to support labs and students in different countries. We also plan to extend the best paper in the following journal issue (ESCI, Scopus) for KGSWC-21.
*International Journal of Web Information Systems* https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/ijwis/current-topics-knowledge-graphs-and-semantic-web
(Special Edition “Current Topics of Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web)
Join the conference and explore your knowledge by attending the following events
a) *Keynotes* https://kgswc.org/cth_speaker/ *(Top Experts of Knowledge Graph & Semantic Web Community*)
b) *Hackathon* https://kgswc.org/hackathon/ supported by Prof Amit Sheth and Team
c) *Winter School* https://kgswc.org/winter-school/ (Worldwide Academician on Knowledge Graphs & Semantic Web)
d) Workshops (*IWSW* https://kgswc.org/iwsw-2021/, *IWSMW* https://kgswc.org/iwmsw-2021/)
We also have an exciting opportunity to invite accepted papers in the following *SCIE/ESCI* journals.
*a) **Data Technologies and Applications (SCIE)* https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/dta
*b) **Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences (SCIE)* https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-king-saud-university-computer-and-information%20sciences
*c) **International Journal of Web Information Systems (ESCI, SCOPUS)* https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/ijwis
*d) **International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD) (ESCI, Scopus)* https://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-information-system-modeling/1157
*Submission Link* https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kgswc2021: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kgswc2021
*Important Dates* ============== Submission Deadline July 31, 2021 Notification Due September 30, 2021 Final Version Due October 31, 2021
Some of you are the evidence of our previous events that are successfully held in Cuba, 2019 and Mexico, 2020. The registration fees of all KGSWC-2020 events were fully free due to the COVID-19 impact. Proceedings of previous events are available:
*Proceeding 2019:* https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030213947
*Proceeding 2020:* https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030653835
*Please feel free to contact the organizers for any queries.*