Using custom HTTP headers would, of course, complicate calls for the tool authors (i.e., myself). $.ajax instead of $.get and all that. I would be less inclined to change to that.

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 10:42 AM Guillaume Lederrey <> wrote:
On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 12:40 AM, Stas Malyshev <> wrote:
> Hi!
>> This thread is missing some background context info as to what the
>> issues are,  if you could forward it it will be great.
> Well, I'm not talking about specific issues, except for the general need
> of identifying which tool is responsible for which queries. Basically,
> there are several ways of doing it:
> 1. Adding comments to the query itself
> 2. Adding query parameters
> 3. Adding query headers, specifically:
> a) distinct User-Agent
> b) distinct X-Analytics header
> c) custom headers
> I think that 3a is good for statistics purposes, though 1 could be more
> efficient when we need to find out who sent a particular query. 3b may
> be superior to 3a, but I admit I don't know enough about it :)

I'm a bit late to the discussion, but still...

I think that as much as possible metadata about a query should be done
via HTTP headers. This way, they are not coupled to SPARQL itself and
can be analysed with generic tools already in place. Setting a
user-agent is a standard best practice and seems to be part of the
Mediawiki API guidelines [1], we should use the same guidelines, no
reason to reinvent them.

X-Analytics header might allow for more fine grained information, but
I'm not sure this is actually needed (and using X-Analytics should not
preclude from having a sensible user-agent).


> --
> Stas Malyshev
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Guillaume Lederrey
Operations Engineer, Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation

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