On Sat, Aug 3, 2019 at 12:10 AM Houcemeddine A. Turki <turkiabdelwaheb@hotmail.fr> wrote:
I thank you for your efforts. I invite you to use several useful resources available in https://shubhanshu.com/awesome-scholarly-data-analysis/ to enrich Scholia project.

Many of the linked resources are data resources (and at least several of them not CC0) and are for Wikidata, not Scholia.

For the software in the list, not all is directly suitable for Scholia either, or is already working with Wikidata. Did you have something specific in mind?


Hi, do you like citation networks? Already 51% of all citations are available available for innovative new uses. Join me in asking the American Chemical Society to join the Initiative for Open Citations too. SpringerNature, the RSC and many others already did.

E.L. Willighagen
Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT
Maastricht University (http://www.bigcat.unimaas.nl/)
Homepage: http://egonw.github.com/
Blog: http://chem-bla-ics.blogspot.com/
PubList: https://www.zotero.org/egonw
ORCID: 0000-0001-7542-0286
ImpactStory: https://impactstory.org/u/egonwillighagen