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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Comparisons between DBpedia and Wikidata (Gerard Meijssen)
2. Re: Comparisons between DBpedia and Wikidata
(Dimitris Kontokostas)
3. Weekly Summary #256 (Léa Lacroix)
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2017 15:14:21 +0200
From: Gerard Meijssen <>
To: "Discussion list for the Wikidata project."
Subject: Re: [Wikidata] Comparisons between DBpedia and Wikidata
<CAO53wxWYCoq69ctbQK75xYnAfMJB0vZV3u718vgBmLrP1HmNjw@mail. >
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
With the recent introduction of federation for DBpedia, it is possible to
have queries for the DBpedias for a specific language and Wikidata. I have
blogged how we can make use for this [1].
It makes it much easier to compare Wikidata and DBpedia and when we take
this serious and apply some effort we can make a tool like the one by
Pasleim [2] for Wikipedias that do not have a category for people who died
in a given year.
[1] user-story-dbpedia-death-and. html
On 1 April 2017 at 11:34, Gerard Meijssen <> wrote:
> Hoi,
> I was asked by one of the DBpedia people to write a project plan.. I gave
> it a try [1].
> The idea is to first compare DBpedia with Wikidata where a comparison is
> possible. When it is not (differences in their classes for instance) it is
> at first not what we focus on.
> Please comment on the talk page and when there are things missing in the
> plan, please help it improve.
> Thanks,
> GerardM
> [1] Quality
> On 1 April 2017 at 10:44, Reem Al-Kashif <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I don't have an idea about how to develop this, but it seems like an
>> interesting project!
>> Best,
>> Reem
>> On 30 Mar 2017 10:17, "Gerard Meijssen" <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hoi,
>>> Much of the content of DBpedia and Wikidata have the same origin;
>>> harvesting data from a Wikipedia. There is a lot of discussion going on
>>> about quality and one point that I make is that comparing "Sources" and
>>> concentrating on the differences particularly where statements differ is
>>> where it is easiest to make a quality difference.
>>> So given that DBpedia harvests both Wikipedia and Wikidata, can it
>>> provide us with a view where a Wikipedia statement and a Wikidata statement
>>> differ. To make it useful, it is important to subset this data. I will not
>>> start with 500.000 differences but I will begin when they are about a
>>> subset that I care about.
>>> When I care about entries for alumni of a university, I will consider
>>> curating the information in question. Particularly when I know the language
>>> of the Wikipedia.
>>> When we can do this, another thing that will promote the use of a tool
>>> like this is when regularly (say once a month) numbers are stored and
>>> trends are published.
>>> How difficult is it to come up with something like this. I know this
>>> tool would be based on DBpedia but there are several reasons why this is
>>> good. First it gives added relevance to DBpedia (without detracting from
>>> Wikidata) and secondly as DBpedia updates on RSS changes for several
>>> Wikipedias, the effect of these changes is quickly noticed when a new set
>>> of data is requested.
>>> Please let us know what the issues are and what it takes to move forward
>>> with this, Does this make sense?
>>> Thanks,
>>> GerardM
>>> dbpedia-a
>>> nd-kappa-alpha-psi.html
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Wikidata mailing list
>> _______________________________________________
>> Wikidata mailing list
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2017 12:04:12 +0300
From: Dimitris Kontokostas <>
To: "Discussion list for the Wikidata project."
Subject: Re: [Wikidata] Comparisons between DBpedia and Wikidata
<CA+u4+a0JEFBuC3N9LtyAvuVwvozKnaP+ > com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Hi, a few clarifications from my side
A more up-to-date link for the data is here:
jimkont/01f6add8527939c39192bcb3f840ec a0
and this dump was not generated with federated queries, as this was not
possible at the time of creation but with a simple script
it is meant only as a proof-of-concept project that showcases differences
in birthdates between Wikidata, Dutch Wikipedia and Greek Wikipedia as
extracted in the DBpedia 2016-04 release, (which also means that it is
based on ~1y old data)
On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 4:14 PM, Gerard Meijssen <>
> Hoi,
> With the recent introduction of federation for DBpedia, it is possible to
> have queries for the DBpedias for a specific language and Wikidata. I have
> blogged how we can make use for this [1].
> It makes it much easier to compare Wikidata and DBpedia and when we take
> this serious and apply some effort we can make a tool like the one by
> Pasleim [2] for Wikipedias that do not have a category for people who died
> in a given year.
> Thanks,
> GerardM
> [1] user
> -story-dbpedia-death-and.html
> [2]
> On 1 April 2017 at 11:34, Gerard Meijssen <>
> wrote:
>> Hoi,
>> I was asked by one of the DBpedia people to write a project plan.. I gave
>> it a try [1].
>> The idea is to first compare DBpedia with Wikidata where a comparison is
>> possible. When it is not (differences in their classes for instance) it is
>> at first not what we focus on.
>> Please comment on the talk page and when there are things missing in the
>> plan, please help it improve.
>> Thanks,
>> GerardM
>> [1] Quality
>> On 1 April 2017 at 10:44, Reem Al-Kashif <> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I don't have an idea about how to develop this, but it seems like an
>>> interesting project!
>>> Best,
>>> Reem
>>> On 30 Mar 2017 10:17, "Gerard Meijssen" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hoi,
>>>> Much of the content of DBpedia and Wikidata have the same origin;
>>>> harvesting data from a Wikipedia. There is a lot of discussion going on
>>>> about quality and one point that I make is that comparing "Sources" and
>>>> concentrating on the differences particularly where statements differ is
>>>> where it is easiest to make a quality difference.
>>>> So given that DBpedia harvests both Wikipedia and Wikidata, can it
>>>> provide us with a view where a Wikipedia statement and a Wikidata statement
>>>> differ. To make it useful, it is important to subset this data. I will not
>>>> start with 500.000 differences but I will begin when they are about a
>>>> subset that I care about.
>>>> When I care about entries for alumni of a university, I will consider
>>>> curating the information in question. Particularly when I know the language
>>>> of the Wikipedia.
>>>> When we can do this, another thing that will promote the use of a tool
>>>> like this is when regularly (say once a month) numbers are stored and
>>>> trends are published.
>>>> How difficult is it to come up with something like this. I know this
>>>> tool would be based on DBpedia but there are several reasons why this is
>>>> good. First it gives added relevance to DBpedia (without detracting from
>>>> Wikidata) and secondly as DBpedia updates on RSS changes for several
>>>> Wikipedias, the effect of these changes is quickly noticed when a new set
>>>> of data is requested.
>>>> Please let us know what the issues are and what it takes to move
>>>> forward with this, Does this make sense?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> GerardM
>>>> dbpedia-a
>>>> nd-kappa-alpha-psi.html
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Wikidata mailing list
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Wikidata mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> Wikidata mailing list
Kontokostas Dimitris
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Message: 3
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2017 12:26:05 +0200
From: Léa Lacroix <>
To: "Discussion list for the Wikidata project."
Subject: [Wikidata] Weekly Summary #256
<CAERksTbC9-o1-nfUawxN83kR2yDWBdtd0EOHXs- >
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
*Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over
the last week.*
Events < >/Wikidata:Events
< >Wikidata:Press_coverage
- Wikidata workshop in Paris
< >, Friday, April
21st, about external tools
- "Wikidata pour la science"
< > training day238404211
in Paris, April 24th
- Heritage in Flanders and Crowd-Sourced Projects
< > -sourced.html
featuring Wikidata, Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap
- The ACS Spring disclosures of 2017 #1
< >disclosures-of-2017-1.html
- about news drug compounds entering Wikidata
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- *Attention:* Editing will be disabled during parts of April 19 and May
3, to allow a server switch
< >
- Wikidata description editing in the Wikipedia Android app
< >Wikidata_description_editing_ in_the_Wikipedia_Android_app
to be deployed on several Wikipedias
- More federated endpoints have been added
< >SPARQL_federation_-_more_of_ the_same
(DBpedia, INSEE, UK Office for National Statistics...)
- All UNESCO sites in Wikishootme
< >328998809313038&lng=-14. 4140625&zoom=3&layers= wikidata_image,wikidata_no_ image&sparql_filter=%3Fq% 20wdt%3AP757%20%5B%5D& worldwide=1
- You can now cheat Stadt Fluss Land game
< > with a query
< >23TEMPLATE%3D%7B%20% 22template%22%3A%20%22%3Ftype% 20in%20language%20%3Flang% 20starting%20with%20%3Fletter% 20%22%2C%20%22variables%22%3A% 20%7B%20%22%3Ftype%22%3A%20% 7B%7D%2C%20%22%3Flang%22%3A% 20%7B%20%22query%22%3A%20% 22SELECT%20%3Fid%20WHERE%20% 7B%20%3Fid%20wdt%3AP31%20wd% 3AQ34770.%20%7D%22%7D%20%2C% 20%22%3Fletter%22%3A%20%7B%20% 22query%22%3A%20%22SELECT%20% 3Fid%20WHERE%20%7B%20%3Fid% 20wdt%3AP31%20wd%3AQ9788.%20% 7D%22%20%7D%20%20%7D%20%7D% 0ASELECT%20%3Fitem%20% 3FitemLabel%20%3Fcoord% 20WHERE%20%7B%0A%20%20BIND% 28wd%3AQ4022%20AS%20%3Ftype% 29%0A%20%20%3Fitem%20%28wdt% 3AP31%2Fwdt%3AP279%2a%29%20% 3Ftype.%0A%20%20%3Fitem% 20rdfs%3Alabel%20%3FitemLabel. %0A%20%20%3Fitem%20wdt%3AP625% 20%3Fcoord.%0A%20%20BIND%28wd% 3AQ9968%20AS%20%3Fletter%29% 0A%20%20%3Fletter%20rdfs% 3Alabel%20%3FletterLabel.%0A% 20%20BIND%28wd%3AQ188%20AS%20% 3Flang%29%0A%20%20%3Flang% 20wdt%3AP218%20%3FlangISO.%0A% 20%20FILTER%28%28LANG%28% 3FitemLabel%29%29%20%3D%20% 3FlangISO%29%0A%20%20FILTER% 28%28LANG%28%3FletterLabel%29% 29%20%3D%20%3FlangISO%29%0A% 20%20FILTER%28STRSTARTS%28% 3FitemLabel%2C%20% 3FletterLabel%29%29%0A%7D% 0ALIMIT%20100
- To be deployed on Monday, April 24th: new datatype for geoshapes
< >Archive/2017/04#Significant_ change:_new_data_type_for_ geoshapes
and Cognate on Wiktionaries
< >29/Cognate_announcement
Did you know?
- Newest properties
< >: type of reference
< >, suicide rate
< >, Italian Navy Lighthouses
and Beacons ID < >, MyDramaList
name ID < >, iTunes app ID
< >, Wormbase Gene ID
< >, Environment Ontology ID
< >, route diagram
< >, person
ID < >, Quebec municipalities
geographical code < >,
artwork ID < >, Soundtrack
Collector ID < >, Rat Genome
Database ID < >, FlyBase Gene
ID < >,
movie ID < >,
toponym ID < >,
institution ID < >, Irish
Rugby Football Union ID < >, Open
Library subject ID < >, DBC
author ID < >
- Query examples:
- The 500 most important paintings, according to Wikidata sitelinks
< >0ASELECT%20%3Fq%20%28min%28% 3Fimage%29%20AS%20%3Fimg%29% 20%28GROUP_CONCAT%28DISTINCT% 28%3FqLabel%29%3B%20separator% 3D%22%2C%20%22%29%20AS%20% 3Flabel%29%20%28COUNT% 28DISTINCT%20%3Fsitelink%29% 20as%20%3Flinkcount%29%20%7B% 0A%20%20%3Fq%20%28wdt%3AP31% 2Fwdt%3AP279%2a%29%20wd% 3AQ3305213%20.%0A%20%20% 3Fsitelink%20schema%3Aabout% 20%3Fq%20.%0A%20%20OPTIONAL% 20%7B%20%3Fq%20wdt%3AP18%20% 3Fimage%20%7D%0A%20%20SERVICE% 20wikibase%3Alabel%20%7B%0A% 09%09bd%3AserviceParam% 20wikibase%3Alanguage%20%22en% 22%20.%0A%09%09%3Fq%20rdfs% 3Alabel%20%3FqLabel%20.%0A%20% 20%7D%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%0A% 20%20%7D%0AGROUP%20BY%20%3Fq% 0AORDER%20BY%20DESC%28% 3Flinkcount%29%0ALIMIT%20500
(source < >)852104782001184768
- The most important works in German by Wiki* articles
< >28COUNT%28DISTINCT%20% 3Fsitelink%29%20as%20% 3Flinkcount%29%20%7B%0A%20%20% 3Fq%20%28wdt%3AP31%2Fwdt% 3AP279%2a%29%20wd%3AQ7725634% 20.%20%23%20Literary%20work% 0A%20%20%3Fq%20wdt%3AP364% 20wd%3AQ188%20.%20%23%20Q188% 3DGerman%20Language%0A%20%20% 3Fsitelink%20schema%3Aabout% 20%3Fq%0A%20%20SERVICE% 20wikibase%3Alabel%20%7B%20bd% 3AserviceParam%20wikibase% 3Alanguage%20%22de%22%20%7D% 20%20%20%20%20%20%20%0A%20%20% 7D%0AGROUP%20BY%20%3Fq%20% 3FqLabel%0AORDER%20BY%20DESC% 28%3Flinkcount%29%0ALIMIT% 20500
(source < >)851742760902283265
- Cities in France starting with the letter W
< >20%3Fitem%20%3FitemL%20% 3Fcoords%20WHERE%20%7B%0A%20% 20%3Fitem%20wdt%3AP31%2Fwdt% 3AP279%2a%20wd%3AQ484170%20% 3B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20% 20wdt%3AP625%20%3Fcoords%20% 3B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20% 20rdfs%3Alabel%20%3FitemL% 20filter%20%28lang%28%3FitemL% 29%20%3D%20%22fr%22%29%20.%0A% 20%20FILTER%20%28STRSTARTS%28% 3FitemL%2C%20%22W%22%29%29%0A% 7D
(source < >)
- Newest external tools: Wikinity
< >buffer619a0&utm_medium=social& campaign=buffer
displays a map of items near any given place
- Newest database reports: list of anthology films
< >Movies/lists/anthology_films
- More work on support for Forms and Lexemes (phab:T160052
< >)
- Adding monolingual language code UMU (phab:T160531
< >)
- Fixing a bug about Commons gallery and category (phab:T161826
< >)
- Improving header image gadget (phab:T160530
< >)
- Provide a special page to list all available badges (phab:T114473
< >)
- Show supported data formats in Special:EntityData (phab:T162870
< >)
- Track the number of identifier properties on an item (phab:T114617
< >)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here
< >.4RotIcw5oINo/#R
Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
< >proposal/Overview
- proposals
needing attention
< >proposal/Attention_needed
- Suggested and open tasks
< >Suggested_and_open_tasks
- Contribute to a Showcase item
< >Wikidata:Showcase_items
- Help translate < >
or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items
< > across
Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
< >Next
Léa Lacroix
Project Manager Community Communication for Wikidata
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24
10963 Berlin
Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207.
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