It is great to see it evolve so well. Congratulations.

There are a few things that may be considered. Mr Obama for instance is the current president, it has the necessary indication but squid does not consider this yet. 

For me one of the most important features of Reasonator are the incoming statements and the localisation of the content. I very often use Reasonator to add missing statements. 

But overall, I love that it is coming together and that it is really speedy.

On 1 June 2016 at 11:36, Markus Kroetzsch <markus.kroetzsch@tu-dresden.de> wrote:
Dear all,

The SQID browser for Wikidata [1] has improved recently. Main new features include:

* Show incoming statements from other entities
* Built-in SPARQL result view to browse long result sets
* Some improved translation
* Improved code structure

If you use SQID a lot, you may have to (shift+)reload the page to see the updates in your browser. More details on key features below.

== Incoming statements from other entities ==

The highlight is the display of incoming statements, which I hope you agree is surprisingly fast. Even challenging items like Q30 [2] with a large number of incoming statements complete in rather short time. Smaller items are even faster. First opening a page always needs a bit more time to load the data, but if you stay in one tab, you will have a very fast browsing experience overall (opening new tabs forces the browser to reload data you already had in the other tab).

The unavoidable comparison to our great forbearer Reasonator ;-) which also shows incoming statements. But there are some differences:

* SQID displays all incoming properties, not just a subset (I was surprised that Reasonator shows only a subset -- maybe a bug? You can see it if you open Q30 there [3] and compare to SQID: e.g., the "owned by" incoming property somehow does not show in Reasonator).
* Reasonator and SQID use slightly different cut-offs regarding the default number of inlinks to display. SQID shows at most 100 entites per property, Reasonator seems to use a different strategy where you sometimes get more than a 100 and sometimes less.
* SQID also displays incoming links from property pages.
* Reasonator shows qualifiers on incoming statements, SQID does not (planned for the future)
* The visual layout is different in both tools.
* Display speed ;-) Kudos to the WDQS team for making this possible. SQID completely relies on SPARQL to deliver this performance.

== Towards better translation ==

Thanks to Dan Michael O. Heggø, we already have a new translation to Norwegian Bokmål (nb), in addition to the existing en and de.

We are working towards improving I18N, and there is still some way to go. As an important first step, the current version has split the messages into separate files. Translators who want to add languages just need to translate one file [4].

The split into files is also an important first step towards a future translatewiki integration, which we would like to have at some point. Help wanted: if you know how to connect our message files to translatewiki, this would be a great contribution to the project.

== Next steps ==

* Better translation (I18N is not complete for all components yet)
* Improve data view (show site links, better search/display support for some datatypes)
* Show qualifiers on incoming statements
* Add built-in reasoning and quality control features that highlight issues while you look at the data.
* Query UI to search for entities if you don't feel like writing SPARQL.

== Contribute ==

To contribute ideas or code, please use our project home at github [5], where you can discuss issues and report bugs.

Acks: Michael Günther and Georg Wild who have made important contributions to this release.

Best regards,


[1] http://tools.wmflabs.org/sqid/
[2] http://tools.wmflabs.org/sqid/#/view?id=Q30
[3] https://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?q=Q30
[4] https://github.com/Wikidata/WikidataClassBrowser/tree/master/src/lang
[5] https://github.com/Wikidata/WikidataClassBrowser

Markus Kroetzsch
Faculty of Computer Science
Technische Universität Dresden
+49 351 463 38486

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