Hi Community!

I've read over the last 2 weeks various previous comments, questions, concerns about how to best handle Transliterations which are different from Translations (consensus is to use Senses for Translations)

But for Transliterations, it seems that a general consensus is around using Forms (as the Lemon model does) to handle this and also make querying easier I guess.
I'd like to improve the documentation on the wiki pages for Lexicographical Data Model with a general page on Transliteration concerns.  As I understand it, there are already Language specific pages to deal with Transliteration and Translation concerns (such as this one for Bengali)

My proposal to all here listening is to have a new sub page called
to handle the general documentation effort for that, and where it would have only a few practical examples to help new users with general Forms entry of Transliterations, and taking example from this section of the Lemon model cookbook on Phonetics: https://lemon-model.net/lemon-cookbook.pdf#subsubsection.2.1.2

The proposed Transliteration page would also have a link from the main doc page in the Forms section (see my placeholder in the Form section now)
