Agree - I was browsing it yesterday and could not find Wikidata in the map 

On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 9:13 AM Maarten Dammers <> wrote:

Looks like after the last update Wikidata dropped out again? contains Wikidata, but in it seems to be currently missing, it does list Wikidata as a target in some other sets.

CCed the maintainer.


On 27-06-18 22:26, Maarten Dammers wrote:

Hi Léa and Lucas,

Excellent news! seems to contain the info in a more human readable (and machine readable) way. If we add some URI link, does it automagically appear or does Lucas has to do some manual work? I assume Lucas has to do some manual work. I would suggest you document this somewhere more central so we don't have to bother Lucas all the time for updates. Do you already have a phabricator task for that?


On 11-06-18 17:17, Léa Lacroix wrote:
Hello all,

Thanks to Lucas who filled the necessary requirements, Wikidata now appears in the LOD cloud graph:

Currently, the graph doesn't display all the actual connections of Wikidata. The only connections that show up are the properties that link to other projects or databases, and having a specific statement on them to link to an RDF endpoint.

If you see something missing, you can contribute by adding the statement “formatter URI for RDF resource” on properties where the resource supports RDF (example).

You can learn more about the procedure to update the graph and a list of the existing and missing datasets here,

Thanks to Lucas and John for making this happening!

Léa Lacroix
Project Manager Community Communication for Wikidata

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-Andrew Lih
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US National Archives Citizen Archivist of the Year (2016)
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