Hello all!

The feedback period for our WDQS Graph Split proposal has come to an end. Many thanks to all people who sent comments, your contribution is invaluable!

We’ve incorporated most comments and proposals into our final set of rules for the graph split. The main proposals (including some that were rejected) were:

We are now working on implementing the appropriate tooling to manage this split, including a new way of processing the Wikidata dumps for an initial load, modification to the update pipeline to support the graph split, and additional automation. We hope to have new SPARQL endpoints that are live updated with the graph split by the end of June. This timeline is probably slightly optimistic, we’ll let you know when those are ready.

Once the new SPARQL endpoints that are live updated with the graph split are available, we will provide a 6 months transition period, during which the current endpoint (query.wikidata.org/sparql) will keep serving the full graph. Once that transition is over, query.wikidata.org will only serve the main graph. Queries that need federation will need to be rewritten. You can ask for help to rewrite queries.

Thank you all for your help and support!


Guillaume Lederrey (he/him)
Engineering Manager
Wikimedia Foundation