Dear Olaf,

I would never use SPARQL for a data manipulation like you desire. Up to the best of my knowledge, SPARQL (even not GeoSPARQL) is not even capable of fulfilling your needs. Simply because it can't return both a table of results (which you probably need as you query for multiple properties) and a single result (which would the connection of the points be).
Export your ordered results into some table or JSON file and post-process it with some other tool/language. That is the best advice I can give you at the moment.

Yet the simple requirement and the fact that no one was able to answer your question within 1 day has driven my attention. So I experimented and I think that something like the following query should give you the journey you seek (connection of points in given order).
Why it refuses to render as a map, I don't honestly know, but might be because the result itself is a string.
But of course, by this approach you loose all the interesting information about the points/events. You only get the journey.

SELECT (concat("LINESTRING(",group_concat(?coor;separator=", "),")") AS ?journey) WITH {
    SELECT DISTINCT ?coordinates WHERE {
      ?person wdt:P2 wd:Q9;
        wdt:P106 ?dob.
      FILTER(("1700-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime <= ?dob) && (?dob < "1720-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime))
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
      ?person wdt:P47 ?Localisation.
      ?Localisation wdt:P48 ?coordinates .
      FILTER BOUND(?coordinates).
    ORDER BY DESC(?dob)
  } AS %q
    INCLUDE %q
  BIND((STRLEN(?coordinates)-7) AS ?len) .
  BIND(SUBSTR(?coordinates,7,?len) AS ?coor).

Best regards

On Wed, 26 Jan 2022 at 13:55, Olaf Simons <> wrote:
Dear all,

a colleague has put data on FactGrid on a group of people travelling though early 18th-century Europe. I wonder how I could connect the geographic coordinates in their chronological order.

This is the table that has the order

could somone show me how I connect the dots?

much obliged,

Dr. Olaf Simons
Forschungszentrum Gotha der Universität Erfurt
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