On 8/26/13 11:03 AM, Hady elsahar wrote:

Hello All, 

as an output of GSoC2013 project , Wikidata integration inside DBpedia we are happy to announce that an initial RDF DBpedia Dumps for Wikidata Data is now available. (details and examples for each dump will be in the download section in the wikipage) this is an initial Dump , so your Feedback is needed of course to review the exported data and enhance it.

You can find more information and details here: https://github.com/hadyelsahar/extraction-framework/wiki/WikiData-DBpedia-Dump-Release-v.0.1 (There is also a list of known issues at the bottom of the wikipage)

Great stuff!

Naturally, we'll get this loaded into the LOD cloud cache and some other instances with DBpedia datasets for everyone to explore further.




Hady El-Sahar
Research Assistant 
Center of Informatics Sciences | Nile University

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