Tom et al,

I've actually been pondering this, and don't know the best migration plan for using Wikidata data in a template after its been harvested. So in abstract this is an open question to the community:

Let W_1 ... W_n be Wikipedias.
And T_1 ... T_n be common Templates of {W_i} all represtented by a Wikidata Property P.
And V_t_1 ... V_t_n be the values of Template T_i harvested into Wikidata as P.

Suppose that there Exists V_t_i, such that it is not that case V_t_1 = V_t_2 = ... V_t_n-1 = V_t_n-2. That is, there are conflicting values. What is the best strategy to incorporate the Wikidata values back into to  W_1 ... W_n so that T_1 ... T_n call wikidata data?"

In our case in specific we have for example:
Let W_1 := English Wikipedia, W_2 := German Wikipedia
T_1 := Authority control T_2 := Normdaten
Q= Q18391 Elie Wiesel
P = P214 VIAF.
V_1 = "108176447" != V_2 = "49233033"

In this case, its a bit weird, because during import time, my bot found a redirect at VIAF for 49233033 when importing the English data, so id didn't actually import what's on the page in English currently. However V_1 is the correct ID now. Even though this happened in a strange way, by bot fixing, it is equivalent to the case that it was manually corrected by a human.

So my feeling is that, and it would be best to delete the local data at W_1, and adjust the template to display V_1 and V_2 (or all sourced values). This would push the potential need of a merge or correction in front of the noses of all {W_i}, and once it was fixed on Wikidata, all {W_i} would be displaying corrected data.

It seems really strange, but I think the solution is delete our local template parameter-values, so the fallback mechanisms fetch Wikidata by default, and then still keep manual override option if needed. (By the way if you didn't know that's how the English {{Authority control}} template now works using the LUA module [1])

Its a more automatic alternative to than Gerard's mark-coflicts-for-humans approach, but I'm not sure if its potentially too disruptive. Thoughts?

(Also posting these comments onwiki )


Maximilian Klein
Wikipedian in Residence, OCLC

From: <> on behalf of Gerard Meijssen <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 11:32 AM
To: Discussion list for the Wikidata project.
Subject: Re: [Wikidata-l] Is Wikidata VIAF data being used in Wikipedia?

On the Occitan Wikipedia they indicate the VIAF (and other) identifiers are shown from Wikidata. When a new identifier is added, this new identifier will be shown as well. When it is changed it is changed as well.

When information in both Wikidata and Wikipedia is the same, it would be good when the information is removed from Wikipedia (and shown from Wikidata). When there is a difference, the information needs to be verified and the resolution needs to go to Wikidata and sourced. In this way information will gradually become be improved and be available in more Wikipedias.

Yes you can concentrate your efforts on Wikipedia but it will only benefit one Wikipedia. It could do so much more good.

On 16 October 2013 18:34, Tom Morris <> wrote:
If I want the most current/accurate VIAF ids, should I be looking at Wikidata or Wikipedia?

When I look at the EN Wikipedia pages for these two topics:

both of which have property P214, the VIAF identifer, the second displays the VIAF identifier, but the first doesn't and the one that does display the identifier appears to be using information from the embedded AuthorityControl template, not Wikidata.

My concern is that if the Wikidata VIAF data isn't being viewed/edit on Wikipedia, it can easily be invisibly wrong like the infamous Persondata template.


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