Hi Stas and Antonin,

Regarding triple storage of list-like data...

In fact, the primary motivation that OpenRefine was developed was as an importer tool of list-like data to be uploaded into Freebase.
I had tons of difficulty with Freebase's earlier importer tool that did not allow much flexibility.  And I was adamant and vocal in complaints to Freebase staff to "give us better importing tools".
OpenRefine was born from those discussions and working with Freebase staff to develop and design Gridworks, ala Google Refine, ala OpenRefine..

Lists are just rows of lots of individual facts or statements that need have to be aligned against a schema..
So having a schema alignment dialog, as we had in OpenRefine against Freebase schema, will be important for absorbing any lists and aligning and uploading into Wikidata's triple store.
The schema alignment dialog was the core feature that the previous Freebase importer tool lacked sufficient fluid UI/UX.

It worked fantastic with Freebase and I do not see any reason why it couldn't be done for Wikidata and simplify the absorption of lists into Wikidata.

Antonin, was it in your plans to eventually work on the schema alignment dialog also for uploading data back to Wikidata to complete the circle of life, "take and give" ?