
We are working in the international campaign of this April "Every Book its Reader" https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/EveryBooksItsReader_2023 and we wanted to create or modify articles about banned books.

We realised that from all the different classes that are related to banned books, we think that only Classe Index Librorum Prohibitorum (http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q22765) provides the especific works (books) that have really been banned. For example if we query https://w.wiki/6Uwy and we take for example the 1st result Paradise Lost (http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q28754) we find the statement part of Index Librorum Prohibitorum. Most of the other classes what they do is providing links to lists in Wikipedia about banned books. We think that some work needs to be done in order to clarify the components of Wikidata ontologies about banned books. And we think there is the need to transfer data from Wikipedia (for example one list about banned books like this https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_von_Autoren,_deren_Werke_auf_dem_Index_librorum_prohibitorum_standen) into Wikidata and make sure that the class banned books is provided.

Is there anybody that will like to work with this challenge?

Núria Ferran Ferrer

Professora de la Facultat d'Informació i Mitjans Audiovisuals (FIMA) 

Departament de Biblioteconomia, Documentació i Comunicació Audiovisual

Centre de Recerca en Informació, Comunicació i Cultura (CRICC)

Comissió d'Igualtat de la Facultat

Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Melcior de Palau, 140
08014 Barcelona

IP Projecte de Recerca: Women&Wikipedia

Co-directora de la revista BiD

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