Any ISO 639-3 language is admissible. HOWEVER, it only makes sense to add languages when there is a use case. When someone is interested in adding content in a particular language, the language committee is happy to allow for this. There is one proviso; when it becomes clear that content in a specific language is not representative of that language all the content will be removed..

On 5 October 2014 15:03, P. Blissenbach <publi@web.de> wrote:
Hi everyone,

When entering labels in WikiData, any world language should be allowed.

Technical language/script/variety marking for internet ressources is currently defined in the IANA language subtag registry.

Thus the above suggestion boils down to mark language selections for labels by a valid code as per the IANA language subtag registry, and allow each tag to be used (referred to) by editors entering labels.

I created bug 71664 so as to overcome the current limitation.


* http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry - IANA language subtag registry
** http://rishida.net/utils/subtags/ - Interactive query of the IANA language subtag registry
* http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt - BCP 47 = Best Current Practice - Tags for Identifying Language
* http://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/ - Language tags in HTML and XML (by the W3C)
* https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71664

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