Yes, it’s a BlazeGraph extension. According to BlazeGraph’s documentation there’s also a query hint (syntactically, just a regular triple) to lift a regular subquery into a named one, but I could never get that to work. For me, the performance gain is worth the nonstandard syntax…

On 28.06.2017 01:34, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
SPARQL 1.1 parsers should find such syntax invalid.

On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 11:05 PM, Lucas Werkmeister <> wrote:

The best explanation I can offer is that the optimizer does weird things sometimes, especially with subqueries: in my experience, subqueries rarely bring the optimization I expect. However, named subqueries often perform a lot better (they run exactly once). This version of your query runs in less than a second:

PREFIX wp:      <>
PREFIX dcterms:  <>
PREFIX dc:      <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?metabolite1Label ?metabolite2Label ?mass1 ?mass2 WITH {
  SELECT ?metabolite1 ?metabolite2 WHERE {
    ?pathwayItem wdt:P2410 "WP706";
                 wdt:P2888 ?pwIri.
    SERVICE <> {
      ?pathway dc:identifier ?pwIri.
      ?interaction rdf:type wp:Interaction;
                   wp:participants ?wpmb1, ?wpmb2;
                   dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway.
      FILTER (?wpmb1 != ?wpmb2)
      ?wpmb1 wp:bdbWikidata ?metabolite1.
      ?wpmb2 wp:bdbWikidata ?metabolite2.
} AS %metabolites WHERE {
  INCLUDE %metabolites.
  ?metabolite1 wdt:P2067 ?mass1.
  ?metabolite2 wdt:P2067 ?mass2.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }


On 26.06.2017 21:58, Andra Waagmeester wrote:
I am puzzled by a pattern I am seeing in submitting nested SELECT statements to the WDQS. 
In cases where a federated query to the WDQS time out, it helps to include redundant SELECT statements for the same query to resolve. 

The following query does not resolve:
Inline image 1
When the lines 7 and 9 in the above example are duplicated, suddenly the query does resolve
Inline image 2

What is the added value of a double SELECT (line 7,8 and line 10,11). Also the lines 5 and 9 had to be separated by a SELECT statement to be successful.

Is this an implementation issue, or am I doing something wrong?

kind regards,

Andra Waagmeester

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