Alessandro Marzocchi
(1) Cadastral data 1832 are still in use or the current cadastral data are different?(2) Personal or cadastral data can not be modified, I presume, consequentely I wonder what utility is expected by the CC0 license.There is something I surely miss, thanks for your kind help.2015-10-06 16:11 GMT+02:00 Arne Wossink <>:_______________________________________________Hi all,The municipal archive of Rotterdam (Stadsarchief Rotterdam) has recently made a number of databases available under CC0, which might be of interest to the Wikidata community. These include birth, death and marriage data for the period 1811-early to mid 20th century, as well as cadastral data for 1832 and a street name database. They can be accessed here (in Dutch only). If anyone decides to reuse these data, please share it here as well so that the archive can also be informed on any use.Best,Arne WossinkProjectleider / Project Lead Wikimedia NederlandTel. +31 (0)6 11000505Postadres: Bezoekadres:Postbus 167 Mariaplaats 33500 AD Utrecht Utrecht
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