Hi Everyone,

Starting from this release DBpedia provides an alternate view of its data with RDF dumps based on Wikidata IDs

 - disambiguations_en.ttl.bz2 (DBpedia uris)
 - disambiguations_wkd_uris_en.ttl.bz2 (the same data but all DBpedia URIs are converted to wikidata based IDs)

We need these dumps for our ongoing tasks but we also want to share these with the Wikidata community as we think they may be useful.

One of the side tasks that we have in our plans but never found enough people to work on is to identify Wikipedia / Wikidata data overlaps as well as data conflicts and identify areas where e.g. Wikidata data are fresher, stalled or missing.

Another task that that pop up during a discussion with Lydia and Daniel in the DBpedia meeting in Leipzig last month was to use these dumps and fix errors in Wikidata. The example we discussed is with interlinks and disambiguations when e.g. an interlink cluster consists of disambiguation links except one (that is most probably wrong). 
This was a real example that Daniel came up with and can be easily identified with these dumps

Maybe there are other cases where these dumps can be useful but you can have a better judge on this.

How to move on.
After a quick discussion, it was suggested to create tasks in Phabricator for each task but before I proceed I wanted to get an initial community feedback


Dimitris Kontokostas
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig & DBpedia Association
Research Group: AKSW/KILT http://aksw.org/Groups/KILT