A no answer of your question about koordination between VIAF WIkidata

But I asked this question at Wikidata cons in Berlin

And got the answer if its duplicated add them and then we take away when its merged in VIAF

Who “we" are I dont know ;-)

Magnus Sälgö
Stockholm, Sweden

On 12 Dec 2017, at 11:49, Brill Lyle <wp.brilllyle@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

I understand this is probably outside the scope of Wikidata-l, but I am looking for advice in what I am noticing is a somewhat re-occuring issue with VIAF identifiers.

For a lot of items, I am finding 2 or more VIAF numbers for BLP subjects.

Recently I've found up to 4 VIAF numbers:

Is there coordination between Wikidata and VIAF that is automated and fixes things like this.

I don't want to remove some of these VIAF numbers as they are tied to "legit" authority bodies. I understand there is often a "main" VIAF number...

Thanks in advance for any assistance and/or advice with this.

- Erika

Erika Herzog
Wikipedia User:BrillLyle
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