> Relaying a question from a brief discussion on Twitter [1], I am curious
> to hear how people feel about the idea of creating a a "SPARQL query
> example" property for properties, modeled after "Wikidata property
> example" [2]?
Might be nice, but we need a good way to present the query in the UI
(see below).
> This would allow people to discover queries that exemplify how the
> property is used in practice. Does the approach make sense or would it
> stretch too much the scope of properties of properties? Are there better
> ways to reference SPARQL examples and bring them closer to their source?
I think it may be a good idea to start thinking about some way of
storing queries on Wikidata maybe? On one hand, they are just strings,
on the other hand, they are code - like CSS or Javascript - and storing
them just as strings may be inconvenient. Maybe .sparql file extension
handler like we have for .js and .json and so on?
Stas Malyshev
Wikidata mailing list