Might this be affecting our searches? The following query times out very quickly on Chrome, and runs forever in Firefox before crashing the whole browser (or is there a problem with my query?)
SELECT ?photographer ?photographer_label ?nat ?nat_label ?dob ?dod WHERE {
?photographer wdt:P106 wd:Q33231 . # find items that have "occupation (P106): photographer (Q33231) "
OPTIONAL {?photographer wdt:P27 ?nat .} # with a P19 (place of birth) claim
OPTIONAL {?photographer wdt:P569 ?dob .} # ... where the pob has a Country
OPTIONAL {?photographer wdt:P570 ?dod ;} #where the pob has a state
OPTIONAL {?photographer rdfs:label ?photographer_label filter (lang(?photographer_label) = "en") .}
OPTIONAL {?nat rdfs:label ?nat_label filter (lang(?nat_label) = "en") .}
#OPTIONAL {?cob rdfs:label ?cob_label filter (lang(?cob_label) = "en") .}
#OPTIONAL {?state rdfs:label ?state_label filter (lang(?state_label) = "en") .}