As a general question, is it discouraged or encouraged to mirror corporate data on Wikidata as public repository?

Could you provide a bullet list of why discouraged?

How does the decision process work?

Referring to:
Data is entered and maintained by Wikidata editors, who decide on the rules of content creation and management.
Referring to:
A secondary database. Wikidata records not just statements, but also their sources, and connections to other databases. 

According to wikidata editors, is it possible to index web sources and collate their data on WD?
How do they deal with bulks or pieces of data that may be provided by users ? 

Indexing the web does not require agreements, since any web crowler of search engines works indeed like that.

Here, a crowd of people can coordinate themselve to create a consistent database.

I believe consistency is a key to serve Anyone in the world. 
Anyone can use Wikidata for any number of different ways by using its application programming interface.

I think applications that have "value" in the sense of corporate datasets can be built over data including business profiles and ownership towards other participated  /subsidiaries companies and stakeholders who participate in the business.

Imagine a minimised version of Bloomberg of Bureau Van Dijk, free to serve a
nyone in the world.


I think I could contribute in three ways:
  • collecting data
  • designing test-application to facilitate crowd-sourced addition of data 
  • providing a simplified guide to treat Wikidata properties on a specific case (a kind of info-graphic, but need very clear guidance in the entities and properties for corporates).

On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 9:14 AM, Jakob Voß <> wrote:
Laura Morales wrote:

OK, just asked. Their reply was that they "reserves the right under
paragraph 3.3 of ODbL to release the database under different terms",
which is to say their data is NOT free because they want to control
how and where the data is used. Are we starting to see "free vs open"
all over again, this time with data instead of software?

This means we could re-publish the data openly once we actually get it but they make it hard to get their data :-(

I'd still try to be open about OpenCorporates and keep on asking them. If they don't switch to more open data sharing, they will likely be replaced, that's for sure. So work independently from OpenCorporates but keep compatible unless they actively reject to work with Wikidata in any way.


Jakob Voß <>
Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG) / Common Library Network
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+49 (0)551 39-10242,

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