A category or a list includes entries that fulfill certain criteria. For instance,many awards are given to humans, so we can define on the list "is a list of" "human"with a qualifier "award received" "Award name". Over 1400 categories have such definitions [1]. When you choose any of them, there is an icon for the "Reasonator". It shows up to 500 items that fit the definition independent if they are on one, all or no categories.
The Reasonator will show up to 500 people on the award. It will show the award on the person and, it will show the first 500 items that fit the query defitinition and all others may be shown in.
I am actively harvesting categories in this way and, I do this based on the content of categories on many Wikipedias. As a result at least half a million statements have been made as a result, probably a lot more.
What will be of real interest to you is that for all those 1400 categories the entries will show in the Reasonator. When there are more than 500, there is an option to see all of them in a differrent screen.