Is it possible to get claims made in Wikidata using the SQL interface to the replicas of the production databases run by Wikimedia Labs (  

I see on (a service to "Run SQL queries against Wikipedia & other databases from your browser!") queries involving the wikidatawiki_p database -- e.g.,  But I've not been able to find queries that pull out values for Wikidata claims.

To provide a concrete example, can one write a SQL query on the Wikimedia databases to return claims about the population of Alameda County, California (, which was specifically, 1,510,271 in the 2010 census?

P1082 ( is the population properly. In, we see the following json fragment:

P1082: [
        id: "Q107146$8938463B-C469-4162-80F7-96DDDE1429DD",
            snaktype: "value",
            property: "P1082",
            datatype: "quantity",
                        amount: "+1510271",
                        unit: "1",
                        upperBound: "+1510271",
                        lowerBound: "+1510271"
                type: "quantity"

I've looked through the tables in wikidatawiki_p but can't find any table that has the claim data.

So I suspect the answer is no -- that although there's lot of metadata about Wikidata available to SQL queries on the replicas. (SQL not mentioned in Is this correct?
