Hi Nicolas, Thad,

On 14.05.2018 22:42, Nicolas Torzec wrote:

Is there a document/paper that summarizes the rationales, vision, and technical details behind DBpedia's Databus.  Also, since a few other companies already tried to recombine and publish structured data in a more principled way before, what is different here?

these are legit questions. If you mention other companies, I would start to wonder which ones exactly. I chatted with Jamie Taylor about Freebase and he agreed (or maybe just wanted to be nice...) that we are solving many aspects which were flawed there. Do you  know of any other successful models? I would need to know specifics in order to compare.

We basically took the top of the cream of what was developed over the last years and discussed models that would incentivize open data as well as bringing in the money to maintain open data. The system here is fundamentally different from any approach that copies and aggregates data. I know that nowadays you would hear the sentence "we built a pipeline" in every other presentation. But data is not oil and one way pipelines do not make sources better.

Since we are "alpha" there is no documentation yet, but we are developing the whole system with around 10 organisations at different ends of the databus. The data is available already for download.
So basically...

where you get "compute" heavy (querying SPARQL)... you are going to charge fees for providing that compute heavy query service.
 where you are not "compute" heavy (providing download bandwidth to get files) ... you are not going to charge fees.

The latest read is the handout for Europeana Tech, which should clarify this point:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OkHBpvQ0h5Qnifn5XKYVV2fiMjsdaooNg1iqS4rCRHA/edit
I was more expecting technical questions here, but it seems there is interest in how the economics work. However, this part is not easy to write for me.

All the best,


On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 1:57 PM, Thad Guidry <thadguidry@gmail.com> wrote:
I am asking Sebastian about the rationale for paid service.

On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 2:47 PM Laura Morales <lauretas@mail.com> wrote:
Is this a question for Sebastian, or are you talking on behalf of the project?


Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2018 at 5:10 PM
From: "Thad Guidry" <thadguidry@gmail.com>
To: "Discussion list for the Wikidata project" <wikidata@lists.wikimedia.org>
Cc: "Laura Morales" <lauretas@mail.com>
Subject: Re: [Wikidata] DBpedia Databus (alpha version)

So basically...

where you get "compute" heavy (querying SPARQL)... you are going to charge fees for providing that compute heavy query service.
 where you are not "compute" heavy (providing download bandwidth to get files) ... you are not going to charge fees.

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All the best,
Sebastian Hellmann

Director of Knowledge Integration and Linked Data Technologies (KILT) Competence Center
at the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) at Leipzig University
Executive Director of the DBpedia Association
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Homepage: http://aksw.org/SebastianHellmann
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