Andy: Did it occur to you that maybe there were no objections because there was no visibility to the request? 

Quite frankly, I am amenable to these changes and support pushing granulated data like this and Authority Control to Wikidata. I am. I recognize the value of these efforts, and how great it will be for Wikidata and Wikipedia.

However, without proper user-friendly documentation -- not just a template page update that unless you are familiar with templates it will be unintelligible, but a proper set of documentation for newbies and experienced editor alike -- and just as importantly, without communicating this change effectively to the larger spectrum of Wikipedia and Wikidata editors, this approach comes off as a rogue effort.

Of concern: I see a list of Bot changes you are initiating here: It is NOT a trivial amount of items, and will have an impact on both Wikipedia and Wikidata. 

I am doing nothing wrong here by asking these questions. How you choose to respond and take the questions is your problem.

I don't want to take up any further bandwith on Wikidata's mailing list, as it has been explained to me that this is a Wikipedia project issue, not a Wikidata issue. Although the data will now reside and live on Wikidata's project pages.

- Erika 

Erika Herzog
Wikipedia User:BrillLyle

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 5:57 AM, Andy Mabbett <> wrote:
On 9 October 2016 at 12:34, Brill Lyle <> wrote:
> So I have been noticing that Twitter links often found in the External link section is starting to move to Wikidata on English Wikipedia. {{Twitter}} template is used much like with {{Authority control}}
> Was there consensus or discussion about this before it's implementation? I am hoping there is also really good documentation so Wikipedia editors know how to create and/or edit this value.

You have posted about this on at least three different venues on
en.Wikipedia; I answered your original question at:

and your subsequent comment at:

> Apologies if I didn't see this mentioned or addressed previously

Despite this apology, in each of the three conversations, started
afterwards, you said you were "very concerned about the lack of
transparency and notification". My first response, linked above,
includes a link to the notification, which was in place for several
weeks before the edits were made, and which invited objections, but
attracted none.

Andy Mabbett

Wikidata mailing list