Dear Christian,
Dear all,
I would like to draw your attention to the latest international metadata standard from ISO (International Standardization Committee established by the United Nations in 1949):
ISO/IEC 19788, called MLR (= Metadata for Learning Resource, named for historical reasons but applicable for any resources).
MLR was developed and approved by the national delegations from all five continents after eight years of development and discussion in ISO committee SC36 (
It is completely compliant with Dublin Core (also adopted as ISO standard).
And only ISO ( can approve and publish official and de-jure standards at the international level.
The first three parts are published:
MLR is already adopted in many countries as national standards and used in implementations (mainly in Asia).
Currently the voting has been started in the European Standardization Committee CEN TC 353 ( TC 353.aspx) that MLR is adopted as European Norm (EN) by CEN, too.
Then MLR as EN will automatically withdraw all national metadata standards in Europe that are in conflict with MLR for harmonization across Europe.
I assume that after approval as European Norm the implementation of MLR will increase immediately in Europe, too.
Therefore I recommend to consider the usage and implementation of MLR as metadata standard for the metadata description of the data.
I hope that it helps for setting up Wikidata.
Thank you very much for your consideration and feedback!
Best wishes
With best regards
Christian Stracke
Christian M. Stracke
Convener ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36/WG5
Chair CEN TC 353
HR, E-Learning, Quality and Competence Development
University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Information Systems for Production and Operations Management
Universitaetsstr. 9 (FB WIWI: ICB)
D-45141 Essen (Germany)
Tel.: +49-(0)201-183-4410
Fax: +49-(0)201-183-4067
eCOTOOL harmonizes competence models for European policies
WACOM for Water Competences in Europe
Q.E.D. supports quality and standards in e-learning
CEN/TC 353 "ICT for Learning, Education and Training"
ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 "IT for Learning, Education and Training"
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