I am forwarding the 3 previous mails from the old wikidata mailing list in order to preserve them.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martynas Jusevicius <martynas@graphity.org>
Date: 2012/2/13
Subject: [Wikidata] Wikidata + Graphity
To: wikidata@lists.wikimedia.org

Hey list,

I just came across the Wikidata project and was excited to see that we
share pretty much the same goals.

After seeing the Wikimania video and reading the technical proposal, I
think choosing any other data model than RDF would be a mistake.
DBPedia has done a lot in this area (as I'm sure you must known) and
failing to build on this work would be a bad start for Wikidata. There
is no need to invent new models and APIs, RDF and SPARQL are standard
and proven tools.
Also, implementation-wise I would suggest scrapping any wiki-based
software (Semantic)MediaWiki and build a fresh generic RDF-based

Hereby I want to present to you Graphity which is an open-source
generic Linked Data management platform, found at http://graphity.org.
We just released v1.0.0 for PHP which supports JAX-RS annotations for
RESTful APIs and lightweight RDF object API very similar to Jena's.
I hope you can find some of our code useful or even contribute to it.
If you find it interesting, we can provide more documentation and/or

Java version is on the way, as well as the most important component -
generic Linked Data browser. It will implement most of the technical
requirements specified in the Wikidata proposal. A prototype for O3.6
extension can be seen here:

The platform was presented at W3C Linked Enterprise Data workshop last year:
Here is the position paper and the presentation slides:

The platform is production-ready: it is running of the biggest
scandinavian entertainment websites http://heltnormalt.dk (danish
successor of http://wulffmorgenthaler.de).


Martynas Jusevicius

Wikidata mailing list