Am 06.06.2014 15:33, schrieb Gerard Meijssen:
> Hoi,Oh? Any why would that be?
> That is so obviously plain wrong when you want to apply SKOS to Wikidata. When
> SKOS has this requirement it is useless in the Wikidata context.
We have stuff like
<de:Fuh> -->(means)--> Q12345
<eb:Foo> -->(means)--> Q12345
"Using SKOS" just says that -->(means)--> can be written as "skos:prefLabel"
(resp "skos:altLabel").
The requirement is that the labels in different languages refer to the same
concept. It does not mean they have the same connotations, or no other possibly
diverging meanings.
-- daniel
Daniel Kinzler
Senior Software Developer
Wikimedia Deutschland
Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V.
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