That is exactly the point. Once you assume that they are the same you ignore the extend to which they are not. Many, many items have articles pointing to items resulting in labels that are not exactly the same subject.

On 6 June 2014 15:38, Daniel Kinzler <daniel.kinzler@wikimedia.de> wrote:
Am 06.06.2014 15:33, schrieb Gerard Meijssen:
> Hoi,
> That is so obviously plain wrong when you want to apply SKOS to Wikidata. When
> SKOS has this requirement it is useless in the Wikidata context.

Oh? Any why would that be?

We have stuff like
<de:Fuh> -->(means)--> Q12345
<eb:Foo> -->(means)--> Q12345

"Using SKOS" just says that -->(means)--> can be written as "skos:prefLabel"
(resp "skos:altLabel").

The requirement is that the labels in different languages refer to the same
concept. It does not mean they have the same connotations, or no other possibly
diverging meanings.

-- daniel

Daniel Kinzler
Senior Software Developer

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