On 27.06.2018 22:40, Federico Leva (Nemo) wrote:
Maarten Dammers, 27/06/2018 23:26:
Excellent news! https://lod-cloud.net/dataset/wikidata seems to contain the info in a more human readable (and machine readable) way. If we add some URI link, does it automagically appear or does Lucas has to do some manual work? I assume Lucas has to do some manual work.
I'd also be curious what to do when a property does not have a node in the LOD cloud, for instance P2948 is among the 77 results for P1921 but I don't see any corresponding URL in http://lod-cloud.net/versions/2018-30-05/lod-data.json
Previously it was manual work, yes, and for properties not in the LOD cloud I added commented-out entries to the page source of https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Lucas_Werkmeister_(WMDE)/LOD_Cloud. I’ll try to resubmit Wikidata now and see how the submission process has evolved.
Cheers, Lucas