I created another draft proposal to create a prototype to scale wikidata,
using the tools I have been building, that goes beyond only scaling
WikiData Query Service. The first quarter should be reserved to WDQS.

As you might have seen, the first proposal is 6 months and in this proposal
WDQS should be replaced in 4 months. I take that into account in the last
quarter that is supposed to be reserved for bugfixing.


Feedback welcome!

Le jeu. 16 mai 2019 à 19:03, Thad Guidry <thadguidry@gmail.com> a écrit :
Yes, Freebase search supported "as_of_time" in its MQL syntax...(it didn't however during its first 5 months of life if I recall using however, but was added later and loved by the community for helping with abuse mitigation)
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