
Thanks Raffale :)

A lot of things have happened in the last 24 hours. The Open Library JSON is now in production and another JSON provides for the books for the author. I am really excited about what becomes possible and wrote another blogpost [1] including all relevant information.

I hope you will all be happy with the progress. If there is anything more we can do; please let us know.

[1] http://ultimategerardm.blogspot.nl/2017/04/wikimedia-first-strategy-then-action.html

On 1 April 2017 at 12:26, raffaele messuti <raffaele@docuver.se> wrote:
On 01/04/17 11:31, Gerard Meijssen wrote:
> Next week an API will become available at Open Library that provides
> their available books for an author based on their identifier.


> What I have asked the OL is to provide their identifier per author,
> combined with the ISBN for an author.

what do you mean for "ISBN for an author"?

maybe you might be interested in this simple api wrapper[1] i made few
months ago. it combines OCLC Classify API[2] and the wikidata sparql to
get authors (and their viaf and wikidata id) from a book's ISBN.


Concrete Island, JG Ballard
ISBN-13 9780007287048

$ curl https://isbn-authors.herokuapp.com/api/v1/authors/9780007287048
    "name": "Ballard, J. G., 1930-2009",
    "viaf": "9842556",
    "wikidata_id": "Q140201"

(note: the example api is hosted on heroku free tier, and is quite slow)


[1] https://github.com/atomotic/isbn-authors
[2] http://classify.oclc.org/classify2/api_docs/index.html

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