Hehe, still a bit of adjustemnt to be done, looks like nobody actually use the test site :)

We (the community) should find better ways to actually test the stuffs.

PS: to the devteam, wouhou, great to see the efforts on the development !

2013/12/11 Lukas Benedix <benedix@zedat.fu-berlin.de>
A few notes on usability:

First: the load time is extremely bad right now! Even on actual hardware
with a good interent connection it takes ~40seconds to load Q42.

* moving statements is anoying
* * if you have more claims in one statement its not easy to move the
whole statement block.
* *  you have to move a claim all the way down in the block before the
block moves.

Table of content:
* there should be a link back to the top in the headlines so a user
don't have to scroll all the way up if he clicks the wrong item by accident

* The three squares on the left are not really self explaining
* I think this will lead to big discussions (e.g. the population of
Israel: which value should be prefered and which deprecated)
* In my opinion the sources and qualifiers should be used to represent
the value of a claim (and the clients should decide which claim is the
best for them)


Am Di 10.12.2013 21:44, schrieb Lydia Pintscher:
> Hey everyone,
> After a few hick-ups ordering, ranks and a table of content for item
> pages are now live on wikidata.org together with a load of other small
> improvements. I hope you enjoy them. There are still a few usability
> issues with ordering as well as the problem of ordering changes not
> showing up in diffs. If you find any other issues related to this
> deployment that do not go away after reloading/purging(add
> ?action=purge to the URL) the page please let me know.
> Cheers
> Lydia

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