Hi everyone!
I am trying to configure Wikibase in a wiki that I have installed. I want to use both, repository and client. I have followed installation instructions, but I think that I made something wrong because now I have several errors in my wiki.
If I access to any page of the site I see "Internal error", the
error and the backtrace. For example, in the mainpage:
[e837b2d7a6fcc7e1edaead2a] /Portada Error from line 240 of /[PATH]/extensions/Wikibase/client/includes/Store/Sql/DirectSqlStore.php: Class 'Wikimedia\Rdbms\SessionConsistentConnectionManager' not found
It also happens when I try to edit any page in main namespace. Then, another error is when I visit the page Special:CreateItem:
[1d904eb6d5d155e0d0c710ae] /Especial:CreateItem TypeError from line 32 of /[PATH]/extensions/Wikibase/repo/includes/Store/Sql/SqlIdGenerator.php: Argument 1 passed to Wikibase\SqlIdGenerator::__construct() must be an instance of Wikimedia\Rdbms\LoadBalancer, instance of LoadBalancer given, called in/[PATH]/extensions/Wikibase/repo/includes/Store/Sql/SqlStore.php on line 298
You can check my settings for Wikibase in that gist. But I have made is config both extensions in the same file and the namespaces like as explain the advanced configuration. I have configurated PHP 7.
Any idea? Thanks in advance!
Regards, Iván