Hello everyone,
This weekend (from today until Sunday end of the day), a few of us Wikidata / biodiversity enthusiasts are hosting a so-called
iNaturalist BioBlitz. We invite all of you to participate!
If you are attending WikidataCon, you are probably spending a lot of time indoors behind your computer screen. Why not take a break, get some fresh air, take a walk in your surroundings, and do some very easy citizen science? Take some photos of the plants, insects, birds, mushrooms... around you, and contribute data and images to a
worldwide biodiversity observation dataset which is also heavily re-used on
Wikidata and
other Wikimedia projects, by many enthusiastic
volunteers! :-)
Contributing is easy!
Sign up for iNaturalist (you can check its
privacy policy) if you haven't done so already. Make sure to adjust the default license of your images to a Wikimedia-compatible license (CC0 or CC-BY are preferred) via Account settings > Content & Display.
* Take a walk around your neighborhood and take photos of flora and fauna. You can upload them to your iNaturalist account via one of its mobile apps or through its web interface.
* Any observations that you make between today and Sunday (end of the day) will automatically be added to the BioBlitz.
See the map of current observations
here (scroll down). Please dethrone me! :p Let's make this map a worldwide and very (bio)diverse one!
Have fun and see you at WikidataCon!
Sandra, Andra and Tiago