Hi Marcus!

Yes, you and I are on the same page.  Yes, I know about the Property-first view of WIkidata.  No quibbles.  But there is still an issue with Assumptions for "Country" P17 being used for an instance of Band...so let's clarify this...

So, I guess things are fuzzy, because I do not jump to assumptions beyond the meaning of P17 as it states on its Property or Discussion page.  And the difference is that you are mentally performing a few assumptions.  It is hard to train a computer to read your mind and answer a question for you however.  :)  Its better to write those assumptions (meanings) down somewhere.

Even for Freebase, we found that Properties had to be described very well for all to understand their meaning with minimal ambiguity, and I was a big proponent on Freebase to Google for better descriptions.

So, question.... since you understand the meaning of "Country" on the U2 page as you state... Can you please tell me that meaning...and then let's see if we can transfer your knowledge to better improve P17 Property and its description.