Thank you. This 16 year library veteran is utterly confounded by this concept of "catalog" (does that make me a bully?). If that was the best option available at some prior point- repurposing some property for some new need- all well and good. But it seems clear it was (and is) not a clear, intuitive, or agreeable solution. Make a new damn property and move on, already. And as a relative newbie, reading this (and other) threads dominated by self-righteous, obnoxious, belligerent power(drunk) users makes me LOL at the hollow high-minded talk of fostering "community". Good luck with that, y'all.

David Lowe | The New York Public Library
Specialist II, Photography Collection

Photographers' Identities Catalog

On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 7:42 AM, James Heald <> wrote:
I have now created a property proposal for a new property, "Wikidata focus list", to act as a drop-in replacement for some current uses of P972.

Let's sort this thing out.

  -- James.

On 06/01/2018 10:40, Maarten Dammers wrote:
On 05-01-18 22:55, Jane Darnell wrote:
I object to your use of the catalog property to link to something that is not a catalog. I don't see why my objection leads you to expect me to offer an alternative way to track your project. I am not responsible for your project and don't understand what it is. If you can't understand that then you should not probably not be editing Wikidata.
To add to that. I see three things:
1. Using the wrong property ( catalog (P972) ). Solution -> move to another property, this depends on point 3
2. Notability of the people BLT. Solution -> Add more information and links to establish notability (or worse case, delete)
3. Using Wikidata as a shopping list for a Wikiproject. Have a discussion if we, the Wikidata community,  want that (point 1 might not be needed if the end result is don't want)

For the people like Jane and I, you're basically squatting the current catalog (P972) property. So we care most about point 1. Point 2 and 3 are for the BLT community to solve.

Point 3 is probably the hardest one. On I found the shopping lists for the BLT project. People seem to be in the hand curated list and in the Listeria list. Clicking around I found which seems to indicate that you had a Black Lunch Table meetup on 9 december 2017 at " The 8th Floor" and judging from that seems correct. At the bottom of this page is another Listeria shopping list based on this. I'm not sure we should store this kind of data on Wikidata.


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