That looks very interesting! But the Python 3.6 requirement is quite unfortunate for Wikimedia Toolforge users – the default Python version there is still 3.4, and even the latest image available (not yet available for the 'webservice' comand) has only Python 3.5 (T219091). Would it be difficult to support at least Python 3.5?
Hello Wikidata folks,
I would like to bring your attention to an open source Python package I've been developing called qwikidata. It is pip installable and has minimal requirements (most limiting is python>=3.6). You can read the docs here ( My hope is that it will help people interact with the linked data service, the sparql query service, and the raw JSON dump files. The linked README above provides short examples of each.
My design goal was to provide a small set of python classes that handle items, properties, and lexemes (i.e. entities). These entity classes provide methods to access things like labels, claims/statements, snaks, forms, senses, and other data. A more detailed look at one item can be found here (
I am especially excited about the growing Lexeme dataset and had fun implementing the classes to store that data. Feel free to reach out via email or create issues on the github page of the project.
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