Hello (Semantic) MediaWiki users, maintainers, software developers, consultants, researchers!

Ein Bild, das Text, Grafiken, Grafikdesign, Blume enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

The SMWCon in fall 2023 (https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2023) will be held on location in Paderborn, Germany.
On three days there will be talks, tutorials and hackathons.

This conference addressed everybody interested in wikis and open knowledge, especially in Semantic MediaWiki, e.g. users, developers, consultants, business or government representatives, and researchers.

This conference aimed to:

Learn how to "do" MediaWiki in order to assume your responsibilities regarding your organization's knowledge management.

Please not that early-bird ticket sale ends today!

Call for Contributions
We are looking for use cases and best practices that provide insight in issues like
* How does AI change the way we use MediaWiki
* How do semantic wikis fit in and be combined with AI tools
* How can we use Semantic MediaWiki in research and organizations
* How do we develop and deploy MediaWiki and extensions
Your experience is valuable for all of us! So please share and propose a talk, tutorial or other contribution.

Go to the Conference Page (https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMWCon_Fall_2023)
and hit the 'Propose a talk here' button.

Please propose a contribution if you plan to have one, even if you don’t have the details yet. For us it is important to know what we can expect.
We look forward to your contribution!
Thank you to the sponsors of SMWCon 2023!

Logo of XL&Knowledge

Specialists in enterprise architecture, knowledge management, and semantics

Hallo Welt!

Hallo Welt!
The company behind BlueSpice, the open-source enterprise wiki software

MyWikis Europe

MyWikis Europe
GDPR compliant (Semantic) MediaWiki hosting from the heart of Europe.

Wikibase Solutions

Wikibase Solutions
Specialist in business solutions with MediaWiki

The organizers of SMWCon 2023 and MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group

* Bernhard Krabina, KM-A Knowledge Management Associates (General Chair)
* Ad Strack van Schijndel, Juggel (Program Chair)
* Tobias Oetterer, Paderborn University (Local Chair)