Hello all,
The Wikidata ecosystem is a huge galaxy of exciting content, tools, projects, powered by the communities as well as organizations working with the software and the data. For seven years, people are gathering, starting projects, developing tools, improving the editors' workflows, filling various gaps, working all together to give more people more access to more knowledge.
In the frame of the WikidataCon 2021, we are organizing the WikidataCon community awards to celebrate the work of people and groups involved in Wikidata, and highlight some projects nominated by the community.
Until October 10th, you can participate and nominate one or several Wikidata-related projects that you like, that are useful for you or for the community. Such a project can be for example: a community gathering or other initiative that led to great results (WikiProject, event, editathon…), a tool (gadget, script, external tool…) or any other action that led to improving Wikidata’s data, the workflow of its editors or the outreach.
The nomination process is taking place publicly and collaboratively on this talk page. You can also help improving the description of projects that are already nominated. After October 10th, the awards committee will select a few projects that particularly caught their attention, and will present them during the Wikidata community awards ceremony taking place during the first day of the WikidataCon.
In order to reach out to the broader audience as possible, feel free to share this message on the talk pages, social media groups or other channels where you are active and people from various groups and experiences on Wikidata can participate. Thanks in advance for your help!
For the Awards committee,