Hello All , 

i'm planning to write a proposal for WikiData to DBpedia project in GSoC2013
i've found in the change propagation page : 

Support for 3rd party clients, that is, client wikis and other consumers outside of Wikimedia, is currently not essential and will not be implemented for now. It shall however be kept in mind for all design decisions.

and i wanted to know two things : 

1- what would be the time frame for change propagation to be ready , even a rough estimation ? could it be ready within 2 or 3 months ? 
2- is there any design pattern or a  brief outline for the change propagation design , how it would be ? in order that i could make a rough plan and estimation about how it could be consumed from the DBpedia side ?


Hady El-Sahar
Research Assistant 
Center of Informatics Sciences | Nile University

email : hadyelsahar@gmail.com
Phone : +2-01220887311 