Hoi Ghislain,

On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 9:54 AM, Ghislain ATEMEZING <ghislain.atemezing@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello emarx,
Many thanks for sharing KBox. Very interesting project!

One question, how do you deal with different versions of the KB, like the case here of wikidata dump?

KBox works with the so called KNS (Knowledge Name Service) servers, so any dataset publisher can have his own KNS.
Each dataset has its own KN (Knowledge Name) that is distributed over the KNS (Knowledge Name Service).
E.g. wikidata dump is https://www.wikidata.org/20160801.
Do you fetch their repo every xx time? 

No, the idea is that each organization will have its own KNS, so users can add the KNS that they want. 
Currently all datasets available in KBox KNS are served by KBox team.
You can check all of them here kbox.tech, or using the command line (https://github.com/AKSW/KBox#how-can-i-list-available-knowledge-bases). 
Also, for avoiding your users to re-create the models, you can pre-load "models" from LOV catalog.

We plan to share all LOD datasets in KBox, we are currently in discussing this with W3C,
DBpedia might have its own KNS soon.
Regarding LOV catalog, you can help by just asking them to publish their catalog in KBox.



2017-10-27 21:56 GMT+02:00 Edgard Marx <digamarx@gmail.com>:
Hey guys,

I don't know if you already knew about it,
but you can use KBox for Wikidata, DBpedia, Freebase, Lodstats...

And yes, you can also use it to merge your graph with one of those....


On Oct 27, 2017 21:02, "Jasper Koehorst" <jasperkoehorst@gmail.com> wrote:
I will look into the size of the jnl file but should that not be located where the blazegraph is running from the sparql endpoint or is this a special flavour?
Was also thinking of looking into a gitlab runner which occasionally could generate a HDT file from the ttl dump if our server can handle it but for this an md5 sum file would be preferable or should a timestamp be sufficient?


> On 27 Oct 2017, at 18:58, Jérémie Roquet <jroquet@arkanosis.net> wrote:
> 2017-10-27 18:56 GMT+02:00 Jérémie Roquet <jroquet@arkanosis.net>:
>> 2017-10-27 18:51 GMT+02:00 Luigi Assom <itsawesome.yes@gmail.com>:
>>> I found and share this resource:
>>> http://www.rdfhdt.org/datasets/
>>> there is also Wikidata dump in HDT
>> The link to the Wikidata dump seems dead, unfortunately :'(
> … but there's a file on the server:
> http://gaia.infor.uva.es/hdt/wikidata-20170313-all-BETA.hdt.gz (ie.
> the link was missing the “.gz”)
> --
> Jérémie
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